

Though it’s best to try and not make judgements based on device preference, we cannot help but see certain stereotypes pop up. The Android vs iOS war does not only involve phones, apps, UIs and technology; we’ve also seen people mention stereotypes dealing with income, personality, social status and many other factors attached to a certain mobile OS/brand.

We love infographics about these topics, and today we have a very fun one to show you.Hunch has conducted a survey that involved 15,818 users, and the results are quite interesting. This study covers many areas of life, such as personality, life experiences, food & drink and media. So, let’s take a look.

According to these statistics, Android users seem to be much more likely to live in the country, while iOS users tend to be city dwellers. It also seems like iOS users do tend to have a higher income. According to this infographic, iOS users are 67% more likely to earn $200k per year or above, while Android users are 24% more likely to earn $50-$100k per year (middle class). Oh, and it also seems Android users are 80% more likely to have only graduated high school and not college. Come on, guys! Get your study on!

Other interesting sections include the fact that Android users travel less, and are mostly PC users. iOS users tend to travel much more and are mostly Mac users. But, what about the phone? When it comes to technology, it seems Android users are more likely to prefer an ugly-looking, but full-featured device. iOS users actually seem to brag excessively about how good-looking Apple products are, and this infographic supports that fact. It seems iOS users are 122% more likely to prefer a sleek and good-looking device that will do less things.

Apparently most of us only have one email address too, and it tends to be a Yahoo account. Somehow that doesn’t add up, since I’m pretty sure the majority of us Android users have at least one Gmail account. We may have other accounts (Google or not), but are we really more likely to use Yahoo?

These are just a few examples of what Hunch’s infographic covers. There’s much more in there — music, movies, books, foods, drinks, fashion. Even a small section dedicated to Windows, Palm and Blackberry devices. Check it out, and let us know what else you think is interesting about the provided data.

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