Bioshock Infinite First Look


                                            As you all know we have not heard about anything new worth mentioning since for nearly three years ago on one of the largest game seller in the history of video games, even by a few nights ago just in a hotel Plaza luxury the Irrational Games to declare its next prepared lovers to enter the Columbia city floating through the new part   BioShock Infinite.

The development of the President of the studios, Mr. Ken Levine in presenting the latest projects across all of Trajlr short addition to a special demo of the game. Video that was shown was a tease, begins to display a similar extension of an infinite ocean, the city suspended the bottom of the water, but the picture changed to reveal that what we have seen is only the imagination and the imaginary, and what we see is what they see someone being drowned in a fish bowl.

The camera will follow the outgoing gases while being put to the ground and then thrown through the window by a very large person, his body looks like something a mechanic's body is enormous. As we will see is personal plate of gorgeous city floating in the air, tubes help many in number and diameters huge pumping hot air. Is our friend, on a surface like a balloon and will struggle for a short time trying to stick to Bocherath until he lost his grip and continue to go down.

Sagtth would stop by the bird made ​​a bed of roses is controlled by a beautiful woman with dark hair found on the terrace of the building opposite. Himmat rescued him that surprised her a Bruisers body from behind, causing the drop to fall and our friend to die. Bioshock did not change the death is very ugly, and seeks to Asttiyadk exists in every corner of the game.


The environment in Bioshock Infinite than those seen in the latest development of science fiction films, even though the story takes place in 1912 years before the story of the first part of the series. In this adventure will play the role of a former private investigator named BookerDeWitt, a person is very dirty, take a new issue is in the search for a young woman disappeared, then returned safely live, the only problem is that they held the plane in the city Columbia.

In 1900, it was revealed the city of Columbia, and was considered at that time, towering symbol of the strength and success of America. The city as a global exhibition roam around the world Kmfajrh of human progress that is incident ambiguous where there is a clash involving a city floating in the afternoon they are armed too, in the midst This conflict between the clouds will disappear Columbia. DeWitt and the city to find to find Elizabeth, but this will not be easy inhabitants of the city the plane does not show any intention of leaving the girl and their superstar lost them.

Turaalr demo that followed was full of excitement that Singerbha in the game is so difficult to transfer all its content. The first thing you will notice is the stunning form of the game. Graphics I've seen very impressive, breathtaking water effects, Alteixtrut wonderful, the art designand captivating in every sense of the word. Adjustments such as BioShock, but touched on all sides. Try each of the previous penalty that would improve this address will give you a sense of breadth and freedom, you will not find yourself stuck in areas with small size anymore.Columbia Large city lot, and divided neighborhoods are not connected with each other, each float in the air around you. One of the things that were not impossible to become possible only through the new engine used in this part.

Demo at the beginning of walking through the streets of Columbia DeWitt paved, while Tlvh face the sun across a building, and the wind lifted sheets while you see an environment like America in times past. Just as happened in Rapture something terrible had happened here, and death lurks every neighborhood in front of each turn. While you are also features of depression if a man were visible on his face driving a vehicle semi-broken, on the other Stmah horse's body lying on the ground to pieces and crows. Another part of the city floats directly over you, be beaten in front of you and almost crushes you if the nearest few meters, and in the other corner you will see a man sitting on a chair surrounded by a garden crows, too.

Followed hero then heard someone deliver a political speech to the town covered with strange markings, which appear to have residents arming themselves to protect their rights in the face of people causing chaos. Wooden barriers surrounding the heavily armed wooden hut, left the politician is called stall. Once approached him DeWitt kind man turned to the color red and the air around him began to vibrate and if it calls citizens around him and invite them to attack.


Our hero will be quick and pick up a weapon there and take the sniper rifle, and once the shelter in front of the barriers will be a person sitting on a chair garden launch a swarm of black crows corrected. DeWitt will fight tooth and nail to kill it, while Stall escape using floating rail and head towards another part of the city far from your current location. Will advance our hero around the edge towards the body of a "man of crows" and move toward something written on it Murder of Crows and picked up then takes a dose of it, this will gain the ability to control our hero in those birds. Scary-looking birds, very bloodied, while small pieces of flesh still stuck in its beak.

Events that I mentioned to you before a few occur in the short period of time, but in turn take us a lot of information that will help us to clarify the new direction of BioShock Infinite. The DeWitt has the ability to very strange is he can move objects from a distance, all that is present in the game environment almost can our hero pulls it toward him, or to pay off, gas canisters, columns, pipes and weapons are all able to be manipulated by. in a scene by stripping the man stood his gun away from him, then turned the weapon and pointed it at the man and attract the trigger.

Network Rail skyline, the latter all the floating links. Was initially created for use in transporting goods, but now are used forDeWitt, as well as through the use of a tool designed specifically to help them slip by more quickly than the sound barrier. The use is very effective at shorter distances, players can switch between the rails while they are in the air in order to change their destination, or even to engage in violent clashes during the slide.

Stall managed to escape to a special part of the city, huge teeth with guns, and upon arrival will order payment to DeWitt, it will cause the destruction of everything around him and forcing our hero to jump to the rail. The latter ride is great too, at first, considering the speed, and begin to rise as it remained for a longer time. While DeWitt as well as if a man blocking their way, our hero will use a huge hammer and knock this guy was causing the putt to the sky, leaving behind revolting stains of blood.


Once that degrades our hero will find himself on the ground amid a crowd of people is not good intentions. What with this demo is the capacity of DeWitt on the movement of things at a distance and use his enemies in the stripping of weapons, in addition to being able to various types of handguns, and the possibility of exploiting the capabilities of private Kkablah launch huge flocks of crows deadly towards his enemies. Once our hero faces Stall again will have to stop a machine that paid him, using what looks like the exploitation of the wave of his hand, and restores him to destroy the shots.

From here onwards, attacks the citizens of Columbia will be transformed into a real mess, what I observed during the process is the user that the engine can put you in the face over 15 enemies at once. But the good news is that the players can gain some help, in this part of the demo Elizabeth found next to our hero (the woman who was sent to look for it) Let me say that this girl can beat a good pay out for a female.

The capabilities of Elizabeth not only to participate in the fighting, but also can provide other forms of assistance as an addition of new elements to the environment around you. In a beautiful sections intervened by sending a cloud lightning over the collection of enemies, this grantDeWitt has the ability to pay the penalty, "Lightning," especially if you choose to accept this gift. What I noticed was that the attacks of this kind do not kill anyone directly, it can cause serious damage yes, but murder never, last strike will go DeWitt always. Said developers that reliance on Elizabeth is optional in full, they will not be an obstacle in your way at all, and players can Choose indispensable throughout the game, it would not intervene until you want it.

Let me continue my narrative of the events of demos, when you are heading into a kind of bridge Stjaddan yourselves trapped under a hail of bullets and various missiles, and family members to take cover behind a kind of kitchen tools. Elizabeth and would intervene in some way will take a set of tools and spoke something like a small hurricane and Tmzjhm all and turn them into a ball-ferrous metal. DeWitt will order that the throw towards the enemies using the Force Push feature available in the game, and if the plan succeed. After that you'll find a copy of the Big Daddy for BioShock Infinit.

These creatures have a human subject head on the body mechanic so huge, you can see their hearts, they are covered with transparent glass.Regular bullets do not have any impact on them, at least that's what it seems.

Try our hero together with the elimination of Elizabeth did not find a way to destroy the only bridge that stands upon the beast. The fine sends a kind of ball light towards the bridge, while ensuring DeWitt send an explosive bomb towards the beast has broken down everything, but that the beast will not be up for grabs, try to find his way through the place dilapidated but two shots from a gun pumping for DeWitt Tkvlta to send him to his destruction .

Joy will be complete Velizabet will collapse and begin breathing slowly. Yes, but their miraculous that the girl's limits can be up to it, and is surpassed, it would weaken it and cause them harm, Vmzarha following the latest attack demonstrates the seriousness of what led to it, especially bleeding, which suffers from her nose. You will need to help DeWitt If you want to drop the whole city.

I realized after this that he may get rid of the danger, he turned to Elizabeth and her fiancé who said that the thing that had haunted her life under threat had been eliminated. Paused for a moment the beautiful features of panic, but soon a smile on her face again, pointing her finger to the sky. Raise DeWitt head to examine what is happening and if it hints at a creature flying in the sky, closer resembles a bird prey giant, as soon as they realized the movement and if the monster down it like a building was blown up, this is cause to make the screen black and served as the last scene in the demo.

What has been presented to us was not an adequate dose of narcotic, but it was a fun search. Information that was contained in ominous Kthren especially for those enamored of the string, the environment completely different to what was designed in the previous sections. City above the clouds ... it was to think about this? Characters is completely different, as it will be Mtfathta more on the side of the story, and will remove uncertainty for many of the things that we have not had the opportunity as deeply in it. The other hand did not let any mysteries are solved employing your characters, but I advise you dear patient, this is just the first spoon of delicious meal, the next few days and I'm sure it carries with it many surprises on this game, they will not sell rack sits only in 2012. Antzerona For more information about the city of Columbiaaircraft. Abd al-Rawi was with you the rest in the nice review of light, always remember Play faire no matter what.

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