Now you can troubleshoot this problem by checking availability of username on most popular 80 websites simultaneously.
Will our Next Generation be able to make their Online accounts due to username availability??
NameChk is free online tool that helps you to check username availability on various sites.
Check Username Availability on More than 100 sites:
- Go to NameChk website.
- In the text field type the username that you want to set and click on CHK button
- Now the list will be displayed on which site the username is available and taken
( Here I have put as Example type ur desired username like "nghack")
This tool is very helpful for those who often make their accounts online for promoting their brand or website. Or Guys like I & you. Everytime We all want to get our desired Username. So Here is the Ultimate Solution. ENJOY with Username :)
Alternative Sites:
You can also use these websites as an alternative to Namechk.